How Your New born Recognizes You: Through Scent, Sound, and Sight

How Your New born Recognizes You: Through Scent, Sound, and Sight

In the initial weeks of life, babies rely heavily on their sense of hearing and smell to identify the people closest to them. Since their eyesight is still developing, it may take some time for them to recognize faces.

Recognition Through Sound

Babies begin to recognize familiar sounds even before birth. They are able to identify their biological mother's voice in the womb. After birth, any primary caregiver's voice becomes quickly familiar to them.

Language learning starts with the recognition of voices. When a baby hears a familiar voice, it activates the brain's speech-processing centre, laying the foundation for communication.

Recognition Through Smell

Similar to sound, a baby's sense of smell develops early in the womb. They start smelling and tasting their mother's amniotic fluid before birth. After delivery, it only takes a few days for them to distinguish and develop a preference for their primary caregiver's scent.

Recognition Through Sight

It takes a few weeks, possibly up to two months, for a baby to recognize their primary caregiver by sight. At this stage, their vision is limited to 8 to 12 inches, so keeping them close is important. However, their ability to recognize faces improves as they grow older.

Understanding how your new born recognizes you through scent, sound, and eventually sight can help strengthen your bond and understanding of each other.

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