
The Ultimate Guide to Tummy Time: When to Start and Why It's Essential for Your Baby's Development

The Ultimate Guide to Tummy Time: When to Start and Why It's Essential for Your Baby's Development

Welcome to our baby store's blog, where we delve into the wonderful world of infant development. Today, we're focusing on tummy time – a crucial activity for your little one's growth and well-being. In this guide, we'll answer your burning questions about when to start tummy time, why it's important, and how it benefits your baby. Plus, we'll explore the effectiveness of tummy rollers and introduce you to our fantastic product that can aid in this essential practice.

When Can You Start Tummy Time?

Tummy time can start as early as when your baby comes home from the hospital. Many paediatricians recommend beginning tummy time sessions as soon as your new born is comfortable and awake, typically a few days after birth. However, it's essential to ensure that your baby's umbilical cord stump has fallen off before initiating tummy time to prevent any discomfort or irritation.

How Does Tummy Time Help Babies?

Tummy time plays a vital role in your baby's development, offering numerous benefits that contribute to their physical and cognitive growth:

  1. Strengthens Muscles: Tummy time helps strengthen the muscles in your baby's neck, shoulders, arms, and core, promoting better motor skills and coordination.
  2. Prevents Flat Head Syndrome: Regularly placing your baby on their tummy reduces the risk of developing flat spots on the back of their head, known as positional plagiocephaly.
  3. Enhances Sensory Development: Being on their tummy allows babies to explore their surroundings from a different perspective, stimulating their senses and fostering cognitive development.
  4. Facilitates Motor Milestones: Tummy time encourages babies to push up, roll over, and eventually crawl – crucial milestones in their physical development.
  5. Improves Digestion: Gentle pressure on your baby's abdomen during tummy time can aid in relieving gas and improving digestion.

Why Is Tummy Time Important?

Tummy time is more than just an activity; it's a building block for your baby's overall development. Here's why it's crucial to incorporate tummy time into your daily routine:

  1. Promotes Healthy Development: By engaging in tummy time regularly, you're laying the foundation for your baby's physical and cognitive growth, setting them up for success in reaching developmental milestones.
  2. Prevents Developmental Delays: Adequate tummy time can help prevent delays in motor skills and sensory development, ensuring that your baby progresses on track.
  3. Strengthens Bonding: Tummy time provides an excellent opportunity for bonding with your baby, as you interact and play together in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Are Tummy Rollers Good?

Tummy rollers can be a fantastic addition to your baby's tummy time routine. These specially designed cushions provide support and comfort for your little one while encouraging them to engage in tummy time for longer durations. Ensure your tummy roller is crafted with soft, durable materials to ensure your baby's safety and enjoyment during tummy time sessions. 


Incorporating tummy time into your baby's daily routine is essential for their growth and development. Start early, stay consistent, and watch as your little one flourishes with each milestone reached. 

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